We look forward to the possibility of you joining our community. Here is our rental criteria:
1. PROPERTY TOUR(S). Photos used in advertising are often of a similar rental and do not fully and accurately represent the apartment unit being advertised. Before submitting an application, you must first complete a tour of the grounds and interior with our property manager. (If you plan to share your apartment with others and the first applicant has completed their in-person tour, then additional applicants for the same apartment may tour virtually using Skype, FaceTime, or another interactive “real time” method). Note that we allow no more than two residents per apartment bedroom (so, for example, a two bedroom apartment may have no more than four residents). If you are applying with pets, each pet must also meet our property manager.
2. PET REQUIREMENTS. Pets are limited to two pets per rental unit. Each must weigh less than 35 pounds each. For your protection and the protection of your future neighbors, your pet must be registered with the county, have proof of all shots and vaccinations and be spayed or neutered. In addition, our property manager must meet each pet prior to your completing your application.
3. CONFIRM YOUR NEEDS. Before applying, please verify with our property manager all your practical housing requirements to ensure we can meet them: These include lease start date, anticipated length of your tenancy, parking and storage needs, pet needs, and any other factors relevant to your tenancy. If you need additional time to complete your application, please let us know, but this may affect the order in which your application is processed.
4. CONFIRM YOU MEET OUR CREDIT SCORE REQUIREMENTS. We require our tenants to have a credit score of 700 or above, with credit history free of negative credit issues indicating that the applicant has a pattern of late payment, with no open bankruptcies.
5. MAKE SURE YOU MEET OUR INCOME REQUIREMENTS. For Market Rate Apartments, monthly income from the applicants intending to sign the lease must (collectively) equal or exceed one-third of your monthly total housing obligations including rent. Except in the cases of rental housing subsidies falling within SMC 14.08.040(F), income levels below our above threshold will be denied. Note that for MFTE & MHA units, income requirements may be different. Please contact us for more information. Exceptions to minimum income requirements are applicable for Section 8/subsidized applicants as provided in SMC 14.08.040(F)).
6. APPLICATION. Each applicant in your group must upload the following items as part of their application:
1. Complete the following application and provide all requested information.
2. Positive government-issued photo identification (for all adult applications over 18 years of age or emancipated minors).
3. Rental history for last three years
4. Verification of employment and/or income/salary/wages via paystubs (or rental subsidy) amounts including evidence of two (2) most recent payments for all adult applicants. We require three years of consistent employment but will consider educational or employment history that illustrates an equivalent level of commitment.
7. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION. Depending upon your employment, credit or other circumstances, we may ask that you share one or more of the following items with us:
1. Your most recent tax return, especially in cases where you are self-employed
2. Evidence of bank deposits and/or investment earnings
3. Evidence of additional sources of income (such as child or spousal support, trust fund income, etc)
4. Demonstration of income consistency including length of time with current employer
5. Proof of regular investment earnings, social security or other form of governmental rental supplement.
6. Any additional sources of income that applicant elects to disclose (i.e. child or spousal support, trust income, financial reserves, etc.). You may include alternative sources of income as defined in SMC 14.08.
8. COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION & PAY THE APPLICATION AND HOLDING FEES. Your application will not be complete until both the application and holding fees are paid and all requested information is submitted. The application fee covers our administrative costs including the costs of a tenant screening through a third party screening service and is non-refundable. Groups of more than one applicant will not be reviewed until one application from each and every member of the group has been received. Each resident over the age of 18 must submit a separate rental application.
After submitting your application fee(s) and providing all requested information, we will send you an Online Portal Activation link to pay your holding fee. The rental will remain on the market until we receive your holding fee payment. One holding fee will be required per rental. If we deny your application for tenancy, the holding fee will be returned.
9. TENANT SCREENING. As part of your application review, we will conduct a credit, criminal, and eviction background screening. You will have an opportunity to review and accept the terms of this screening in this application. You have the right to receive a copy of the screening report. We can provide you a copy or you can email consumer.relations@appfolio.com to request a copy.
10. TREATMENT OF OUR STAFF. We require any potential applicants to exhibit thoughtfulness towards our staff. We may reject any applicant who fails to notify us if they will be late or need to reschedule a tour, or who generally exhibits a lack of care towards our staff.